Why celebrate your wedding anniversary?

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The answer is that they have done excellent so far! No matter how long their courtship lasted, the truth is that living together is a challenge. It is worth remembering why they decided to spend their lives together when a wedding anniversary arrived in order to face the most unsuspected challenges walking hand in hand.

Celebrating an anniversary is refreshing your memory to feel proud of what it is a story simply of two. With ups and downs or not, they are the protagonists of how much has been written in it. Here we give you some reasons to celebrate your anniversary and ZonaE is that place at the height of the celebration.

How to celebrate wedding anniversary?

The speed of modern life, and even more so when you have children, can sometimes make you forget the real reason why you decided to spend your life as a couple. So open that bottle of wine! Sit in that special little corner with your partner and remember the anecdotes of your courtship or wedding anniversary per year, those things that worried you at the beginning and that you already knew how to overcome. Strengthen your dreams and retrace those dreams together, just remember the best moments.

The ceremonies, even if they are simple, allow us to recount and remember with a smile that pact of love called marriage.

Strengthen the votes

The decision to live a life together is born from the mutual commitment to achieve team goals. Celebrating a wedding anniversary of this type, more than a social moment, is the opportunity to tell each other why we continue and the reasons or couple values that are the basis for moving towards new stages.

What to give for wedding anniversary?

Although it is not necessary to wait until the anniversary to tell the other how much we love them, these dates awaken our souls and fuel feelings with phrases to wish a happy wedding anniversary. A simple gift to fall in love as if they were couples in love stage will be a good point to the heart, and even better if it is accompanied with a small wedding anniversary party.

Have a second honeymoon

Why not? May this celebration, be it a Paper or Silver Wedding, give us the illusion of a new adventure to that place never visited, like Paris or another place, or even to the one that brings back good memories. Because they deserve it and they have the right to time to confirm that the other was their best bet.

Gather the family

Many times special dates serve to bring together those who never have the time to meet again. Sometimes when we get married we debate during the Christmas celebrations about what date to spend in each family, so this is an excellent idea to get together and celebrate love. At ZonaE we have those dream spaces to fall in love more and more with excellent decoration for wedding anniversaries.


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